02 03 important gk topic general knowledge for all exam: Important Minerals required in Animal bodies and Macro elements 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Important Minerals required in Animal bodies and Macro elements


Minerals required for Animal bodies

1)  Calcium (Ca)#  : -------          
                 Source ----   Milk, cereals, cheese, green vegetables.
                 Significance ----  Required for formation of teeth and bones, blood clotting, functions of nerves and muscles.
                 Effects of deficiency ----   Weak teeth and bones, retarded body growth.
2)  Phasphorus (P)  : -------
                 Source -----   Milk, meat, cereals.
                 Significance -----    Required for formation of teeth and bones and acid-base balance; component of ATP, DNA, RNA.
                 Effects of deficiency -----   Week teeth and bones; retarded body growth and physiology.
3)  Sulphur (S) : -------
                  Source  -----    Many proteins of food.
                  Significance -----  Component of many amino acids.
                  Effects of deficiency -----   Disturbed protein metabolism.
4)  Potassium (K) : -------
                  Source  -----   Meat, milk, cereals, fruits and vegetables.
                  Significance -----  Required for acid-base balance, water regulation and function of nerves.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Low blood pressure, weak muscles; risk of paralysis.
5)  Chlorine (Cl) : --------
                  Source  -----  Table salt.
                  Significance -----  Required for acid-base balance; component of gastric juice.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Loss of appetite; muscle cramps.
6)  Sodium (Na) : -------
                  Source  -----  Table Salt.
                  Significance -----  Required for acid-base and water balances and nervous functions.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Low blood pressure, loss of appetite; muscle cramps.
7)  Magnesium (Mg) : -------
                  Source  -----  Cereals, green vegetables.
                  Significance -----  Cofactor of many enzymes of glycolysis and a number of other metabolic reactions dependent upon ATP.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Irregularities of metabolism, principally affecting nervous functions.
8)  Iron (Fe) : --------
                  Source  -----   Meat, eggs, cereals, green vegetables.
                  Significance -----  Component of haemoglobin and cytochromes.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Anaemia, weakness and weak immunity.
9)  Iodine (I) : -------
                  Source  -----  Milk, cheese, sea food, iodized salts.
                  Significance -----   Important component of thyroxine hormone.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Goitre, Cretinism.


    10)  Flourine (F) : -------
                  Source  -----  Drinking water, tea, sea food.
                  Significance -----  Maintenance of bones and teeth.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Weak teeth, larger amount causes mottling of teeth.
    11)  Zine (Zn) : -------
                  Source  -----  Cereals, milk, eggs, meats, sea food.
                  Significance -----  Cafactor of digestive and many other enzymes.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Retarded growth, anaemia, rough skin, weak immunity and ferlility.
    12)  Copper (Cu) : -------
                  Source  -----  Meat, dry fruits, pods, green vegetables, sea food.
                  Significance -----  Cafactor of cytochrome oxidase enzyme. Necessary for iron metabolism and development of blood vessels and connective tissues.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Anaemia, weak blood vessels and connective tissues.
    13)  Manganese (Mn) : -------
                  Source  -----  Dry fruits, cereals, tea, fruits and green vegetables.
                  Significance -----  Cafactor of some enzymes of urea synthesis and transfer of phosphate group.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Irregular growth of bones, cartilages and connective tissues.
    14)  Cobalt (Co) : -------
                  Source  -----  Milk, cheese, meat.
                  Significance -----  Important component of vitamin B12.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Anaemia.
    15)  Selenium (Se) : -------
                  Source  -----  Meat, cereals,sea food.
                  Significance -----  Cafactorof many enzymes; assists vitamin E.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Muscular pain; weakness of cardiac muscles.
    16)  Chromium (Cr) : --------
                  Source  -----  Yeast, sea food, meat, vegetables.
                  Significance -----  Important for catabolic metabolism.
                  Effects of deficiency -----  Irregularities of catabolic metabolism and ATP production.
     17)   Molybdenum (Mo) :-------
                  Source  -----  Cereals, pods, some vegetables.
                  Significance -----  Cofactor of some enzymes.
                  Effects of deficiency -----   Irregular excretion of nitrogenous waste products.

[ The salt of Ca required by our body is  Ca3 (PO4)2.]


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