Minerals required for Animal bodies
Calcium (Ca)# : -------
Source ---- Milk, cereals, cheese, green vegetables.
Significance ---- Required for formation of teeth and bones,
blood clotting, functions of nerves and muscles.
Effects of deficiency
---- Weak teeth and bones, retarded
body growth.
Phasphorus (P) : -------
Source ----- Milk, meat, cereals.
Significance ----- Required for formation of teeth and bones and
acid-base balance; component of ATP, DNA, RNA.
Effects of deficiency
----- Week teeth and bones; retarded
body growth and physiology.
(S) : -------
Source -----
Many proteins of food.
Significance ----- Component of many amino acids.
Effects of deficiency
----- Disturbed protein metabolism.
Potassium (K) : -------
Source -----
Meat, milk, cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Significance ----- Required for acid-base balance, water
regulation and function of nerves.
Effects of deficiency ----- Low blood pressure, weak muscles; risk of
Chlorine (Cl) : --------
Source -----
Table salt.
Significance ----- Required for acid-base balance; component of
gastric juice.
Effects of deficiency
----- Loss of appetite; muscle cramps.
Sodium (Na) : -------
Source -----
Table Salt.
Significance ----- Required for acid-base and water balances and
nervous functions.
Effects of deficiency ----- Low blood pressure, loss of appetite; muscle
Magnesium (Mg) : -------
Source -----
Cereals, green vegetables.
Significance ----- Cofactor of many enzymes of glycolysis and a
number of other metabolic reactions dependent upon ATP.
Effects of deficiency ----- Irregularities of metabolism, principally
affecting nervous functions.
Iron (Fe) : --------
Source -----
Meat, eggs, cereals, green vegetables.
Significance ----- Component of haemoglobin and cytochromes.
Effects of deficiency
----- Anaemia, weakness and weak
Iodine (I) : -------
Source -----
Milk, cheese, sea food, iodized salts.
Significance ----- Important component of thyroxine hormone.
Effects of deficiency
----- Goitre, Cretinism.
10) Flourine (F) : -------
Source -----
Drinking water, tea, sea food.
Significance ----- Maintenance of bones and teeth.
Effects of deficiency
----- Weak teeth, larger amount causes
mottling of teeth.
11) Zine (Zn) : -------
Source -----
Cereals, milk, eggs, meats, sea food.
Significance ----- Cafactor of digestive and many other enzymes.
Effects of deficiency
----- Retarded growth, anaemia, rough
skin, weak immunity and ferlility.
12) Copper (Cu) : -------
Source -----
Meat, dry fruits, pods, green vegetables, sea food.
Significance ----- Cafactor of cytochrome oxidase enzyme.
Necessary for iron metabolism and development of blood vessels and connective
Effects of deficiency ----- Anaemia, weak blood vessels and connective
13) Manganese (Mn) : -------
Source -----
Dry fruits, cereals, tea, fruits and green vegetables.
Significance ----- Cafactor of some enzymes of urea synthesis
and transfer of phosphate group.
Effects of deficiency ----- Irregular growth of bones, cartilages and
connective tissues.
14) Cobalt (Co) : -------
Source -----
Milk, cheese, meat.
Significance ----- Important component of vitamin B12.
Effects of deficiency ----- Anaemia.
15) Selenium (Se) : -------
Source -----
Meat, cereals,sea food.
Significance ----- Cafactorof many enzymes; assists vitamin E.
Effects of deficiency
----- Muscular pain; weakness of cardiac
16) Chromium (Cr) : --------
Source -----
Yeast, sea food, meat, vegetables.
Significance ----- Important for catabolic metabolism.
Effects of deficiency ----- Irregularities of catabolic metabolism and
ATP production.
17) Molybdenum (Mo) :-------
Source -----
Cereals, pods, some vegetables.
Significance ----- Cofactor of some enzymes.
Effects of deficiency
----- Irregular excretion of
nitrogenous waste products.
[ The salt of Ca required by our
body is Ca3 (PO4)2.]